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Monday, 29 July 2013 23:09

Mid-Sized Cloud SI and Service Provider Strategy


Midsized Systems Integrators will play a critical role in influencing and implementing Cloud Solutions. Edge Strategies was engaged by a global provider of public/private/hybrid Cloud software and services, to deliver insight and recommendations for Go-To-Market strategies engaging this essential channel. The project focus:

  • What Cloud products and services are currently being provided by Midsized?
  • What key trends are driving changes in their business models?
  • What are the key factors determining their selection of Cloud IaaS/PaaS/SaaS partners?
  • How do they prefer to engage?
  • Which SIs provide the highest potential return? What specific steps can the client take to build effective channel relationships with these firms?


Midsize Cloud SI


Edge Strategies conducted Qualitative and Quantitative research with a broad range of mid-sized Systems Integrators, including:

  • There is no information about methodology, N, etc. in the “SI and Service Provider Opportunity” deliverable.


Edge Strategies segmented the competitive landscape into several distinct but overlapping business models, each with key differences impacting potential Cloud service provider relationships.

A detailed analysis was developed for each segment:

  • What products and services did they traditionally offer? How is this likely to change with the Cloud?
  • What is the typical size and scope of their engagements?
  • How many Clouds providers will they work with? What are their critical selection criteria?
  • How do they prefer to engage? What balance of flexibility and control do they expect from a Cloud provider? What are their support/SLA expectations? How price sensitive are they?

These and other factors were mapped against the Client’s current and planned product and services offerings to create a set of specific recommendations for identifying partners and building effective and profitable channel relationships.

Read 3652 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 November 2016 15:35